
I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) and Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC) practicing in Austin, Texas. I’m currently seeing clients at virtually and in person in South Austin, and currently accepting new clients by appointment.


Since starting in the field of mental health and recovery, I have worked in a variety of settings. My journey consists of working in inpatient psychiatric hospitals, addiction treatment facilities, family agencies, and currently in a group private practice.

Working in addiction treatment has always been a passion of mine, as my family has struggled with addiction for most of my young adult life.


I love having the opportunity to provide families and loved ones with education on addiction and recovery, as well as a sense of hope that their family can truly thrive. I’m all about relationships. That could mean your relationship with your friends, family, and loved ones; it can also mean a relationship to substance(s), your career, and most importantly with yourself. I want my client to feel comfortable giving me feedback as well, if something isn’t working, let me know.

I use a lot of narrative therapy, which focuses a lot on your story, and how to change that story to make it the version that works the best for you. (Remember, all books start out as rough drafts!) I absolutely love working with someone who isn’t afraid to dig deep, work hard, and be open to feedback and new ideas.